Saturday the 22nd of June. Rejones. Bulls from Rosa Rodríguez from:
Sunday the 23rd of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Hnos García Jiménez and Olga García Jiménez from:
Saturday the 23rd of June. Rejones. Bulls from Rosa Rodriguez and Torrealba for:
Sunday the 24th of June. Bulls from Jandilla and Vegahermosa for :
Saturday the 24th of June. Rejones. Bulls from Peñaranda for:
Sunday the 25th of June. Bulls from Jandilla and Vegahermosa for:
Friday the 24th of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Jandilla for:
Saturday the 25th of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Nuñez Del Cuvillo for:
Saturday the 27th of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Jandilla for:
Sunday the 28th of June. Mixed Bullfight. Bulls from Capea and Albarreal for:
Friday the 20th of June. Rejones. Bulls from Passanha for:
Saturday the 21st of June. Bulls from Vegahermosa for:
Sunday the 22nd of June. Bulls from Domingo Hernández and El Pilar for:
Sunday the 23rd of June. Bulls from Jandilla and Vegahermosa for:
Monday the 24th of June. Rejones. Bulls from Luis Terrón for:
Friday the 29th of June. Rejones. Bulls from Luis Terrón for:
Saturday the 30th of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Zalduendo, Jandilla, Vegahermosa for:
Friday the 24th of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Jandilla and Vegahermosa for:
Saturday the 25th of June. Rejones. Bulls from Jandilla and Vegahermosa for:
Sunday the 26th of June. Bullfight. Bulls from Zalduendo for: